FREE Cheat Sheet for SaaS Execs and Sales Leaders

"How to Scale from $10M to $100M in ARR... Without Excessive Mishiring or Sacrificing Your Bar for AE Talent"


If you're a VP Sales, CRO, or SaaS Exec, and you're looking to grow headcount fast without sacrificing your bar for talent, this cheat sheet will show you the way.

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100s of SaaS leaders are using these techniques and principles to scale

Derek Kelliher, Drift

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"I cannot recommend Chris' hiring methods enough. If you manage AEs/AMs/sellers of any kind, it's a no-brainer

Ellen Rataj, Hubspot

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"Chris's hiring methods helped me learn more in two hours than I learned in the last 10 years. Amazing hiring techniques."

Scott Schachter, Travelperk

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

There is nothing more important than hiring.  If you're in sales leadership, don't walk, run to do this!"

Eric Johnson, Gong

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

Thomas Ploch, Meridian Link

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"I bet no one taught you how to hire great sellers. Me either. This took me from 0 to 100 mph when it comes to hiring great reps FAST. It’s not too short, not too long. I’ve never learned more helpful techniques to hire great reps. Thank you!

Matt Weisman, Harness

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"I feel like I was flying blind when it came to hiring. Every hiring decision felt like a coin flip. Now with Chris’ hiring techniques, hiring decisions feel so much more clear."

Jack Rosenkrantz, EZRA

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"Sales leaders: whether you're part of a Series A org preparing to TTTDD, or a publicly-traded company seeking incremental revenue, one thing is for certain: the biggest driver of sales (and sales leader) success is hiring great sales people. Chris Orlob's hiring methods ensure you're hiring the right people consistently."

Josh Ellars, Patri

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"As a relatively new SaaS founder (and former SaaS sales leader), I'm finding that more than anything I need to be laser focused on making sure the sales talent we bring in matches the company stage and growing market opportunity."

 Matt Olsen, LimbleFive star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

Greg Larsen, EltropyFive star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816


Hire STRONG SaaS Reps and Leaders.

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